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East Anglia Leisure
Conferences ...

Lectern From audio visuals to staging and theming, EAL can provide all you need to take your conference event to the next level.

Items available for hire include:
- Front & rear projection screens with projectors
- 42", 50" and 60" Plasma Screens
- 2 x Hi-Spec Laptops 
- Carpetted platforms and risers
- Truss lecterns (Shown right)
- Wireless Microphones
- LED Uplighters
- Video cameras for live feeds
- Video signal splitters


Decking with Skirting

Conference Decking

1m x 1m decking platform now available to hire.
Covered with black carpet on top and available with a black skirting (as shown) to create a professional platform for your speaker or presenter.

Ideal for conferences and speeches.